1Can we begin the land purchase before Phase II?
Yes, but the land is gifted not purchased. You will only pay for your own survey, pillars, indentures and registration. We ask that you use the word "select" as oppose to purchase.
2Can we select just the plot size instead of plot number?
Yes, you may select any available plot.
3Who will be responsible to collect our money?
Obed Acquah, Director of Operations. However, TGBF suggests you register first and if possible, take a trip to Ghana to see the land before sending money.
4Can we use Apps such as Xoom or World Permit so that each individual can begin their purchase now?
Yes, you may use whatever works. However, TGBF suggests you register first and if possible, take a trip to Ghana to see the land before sending money.
5Who do we send our registration to?
You will fill out the forms and email it to us. If you are not able to make it on one of our trips to Ghana, TGBF will register your land at the Ghana Lands Commission in Cape Coast.
6Which method is best to send the registration, (email, online website, or US mail services)?
You can register on the asebuman.com however that process is long and if you know anything about Ghana, you want to have the connection needed to mediate the expediting and ensuring your registration and land.
7Once the money and registration has been confirmed received, how long will it take to receive the land deed?
It normally takes about 90 days but now with the virus it may take longer.
8When the deed is returned, will the deed indicate a plot number?
No, it will mark the boundaries of your survey. You will receive a Land Allocation document with your assigned plot when you pay your fees.
9Will your company be dealing with (Stanbic Bank, Eco Bank or the Bank of Ghana) if we choose money transfer?
We are using Zenith Bank. All other banks should be able to transfer money to Zenith.
10Can you confirm whether there will be builders, architects, or banks available upon our arrival?
Yes, all will be available.
11Is there a limit to the number of 80 x 80, 80 x 100 or 100 x 100 plots we can buy/register
No limit at this time, but all selected plots should be developed in a timely manner.
12Will we be choosing the Plot numbers we can to purchase/register for or will that be done by the people in charge in Ghana?
You will select your own plot. Again, we advise that you take a trip with The God Box to Ghana to select your plot
13Can we open a business on the land?
Please draft a short business plan that details your objectives and identifies the amount of land.
14Are there different contractors/architects/builders we can connect with to establish a relationship on what type of house we would like to build based on our budget?
Yes, builders are available and the contact persons are Obed Acquah and Kwame Nitoto.
15How high of a wall can you build on your plot of land? Is there a height limit?
We have not discussed wall height. But you can probably build as high as you like. Cameras are okay but we will not have a gated community. We will have security.
16Does the Asebu land allow for Homes with “Solar Panels” or “Rain water Collection tanks”.
Yes and Yes.
17Are there any “Cell phone” and “Internet” towers near Asebu for those who need to manage their online businesses using a steady internet connection?
Cell phone service and internet is weak but functional. Will get better when more people move into the community.
18Can we qualify for Medical Insurance in Ghana without citizenship and only a Visa?
You pay cash for your medical here but it is not expensive. And, we will have a Health Clinic on site.
19How can I get a good bank account?
You can open a bank account without citizenship but you need to be working in the country. You will need a valid id, work and residency permit, TIN, passport pics. Best banks for international banking is Stanbic bank. All banks are different with their wire transfer fees. You can use your credit or atm cards in Ghana but there is no open line of credit cards only loans given for homes, cars, businesses.